8 Event Management Mistakes: An Organizer´s Guide to Win Them

How do organizers arrange events that bring success? get the guide to avoid the common event management mistakes and get success

Ever attended a show or a festival and felt like it´s better to play hooky rather than attend it?

Have you ever wondered what you would do to turn that event from Zzzz to a Wow festival? 

However, in this blog, we are going to discuss the common event management mistakes you must be aware of as an event manager. 

📈 Turn Your Event Management Mistakes into Success

1. Understaffing and Event Budget Overruns

Being understaffed is the most common event staffing mistakes event managers make. But the truth is, you can´t run an event even 1% successfully if you are understaffed. 

Even, if you create events with open guests, you should have more than enough of your regular staff who are properly trained. It is crucial to have sufficient staff by proper budgeting so your stakeholders, attendees, vendors, and even everyone connected with the event can ensure accuracy from their side. 


Moreover, Once you have determined how much staff you need, including extras, it’s essential to devise a helpful budget to cover all expenses. Wedges of staff represent the most prominent part of an event cost. So, it’s important to allocate budgets accordingly to ensure the other event management costs are not overlooked.

2. Not Having a Proper Event Plan.

You got a budget and figured out what, and how to turn these ideas into live. However, all your notions can go in vain if you don´t have a detailed event plan. Having an overarching event management planning can offer a vintage task point, and minimize the risk of losing deadlines. 

Moreover utilizing top-notch project management tools can also assist you in managing the event proactively. Helpful project management solutions allow organizations to get a collaborative workspace, track projects using smart intelligence, and maintain their deadline with accuracy. 

3. Underestimating the Power of Technology.  

Most of the event managers are more convenient in handling events manually. They prefer to utilize manual tools like spreadsheets, emails, and phone calls for team coordination, attendee registration, venue decorations, and other event management-related tasks. 

However, managing your events in a traditional system may seem easier for small events. However, when you have to deal with thousands of attendees things will become more complex than you thought.

As humans, it’s natural we may struggle in event planning in the traditional ways. it would be okay if it meant just our struggles. But, it would be a matter of concern when the bad start impacting our sales, and event performances, and collapsing the business ROI.

To make things easier, this modern era´s technology has introduced some popular automated solutions. With advanced platforms like Timetics.Ai, managing your events and bookings becomes a breeze. You can efficiently handle venue decoration, seat generation, team assignments, attendee bookings, and payments– everything from one unified dashboard. 

What´s more? Event managers can proactively promote their events online and get notified with a click.

4. Ignoring Vendor Selections. 

Vendors are parties who offer external services to the event planning teams to support the execution of the event. They include- caterers, decorators, Audio-visual parties, security services, etc. 

One of the most common reasons events go wrong is not being wise while choosing vendors. And even after choosing the best vendors, there can be a lot of things that can go wrong. For example, there might be issues such as delays in delivery, not providing enough time for setup, miscommunications, or unforeseen technical difficulties. 

To avoid these circumstances, you can take some precautions like- 

  • Ensuring each vendor is aware of their task even 3-4 days before the event launches. 
  • Utilize automated solutions like Timetics.Ai to send automated reminders. Some vendors may end up not responding to calls. 

5. Not having an Idea About Local Markets.

The success of your event depends on drawing in as many attendees as possible. But guess what, that can also become a tough job to do if you are competing with other events nearby. 

Additionally, the less competition you will offer to your event, the chances of getting more attendees increase. If similar events are organized nearby on the same date, it will surely interfere with yours. So, have details about the local events even before finalizing the event date.

Try to avoid competition. Contact local event planners, and follow local social media pages to check out if there are any upcoming events. Once you have finalized your event date, share it with the community. This will help other event managers collapse with your event schedule and prevent unwanted competitions! 

6. Poor Communication and Marketing Strategies. 

Communication is the key to bringing data-driven results and meeting your desired goal. Most events go wrong or perform regrettably poorly because of not following proper communication methods and marketing strategies to market the event. 

Besides effective marketing is the key to attracting target audiences and getting more crowds at the event. And here, if you can crack the nut of the communication system, you are one way closer to making the marketing strategies outperform!  

Try to utilize event management tools that will work as both communication and marketing platforms. Solutions like Timetics.AI event management tools can help you create a robust event page, share the page link online, and let attendees register efficiently. 

As it is also an intuitive appointment booking SaaS product, you can easily handle no-shows, collect payments, and suggest related events to attendees using its AI assistance. 

So, once you have the backstage set-up, promote the event like a pro! Remember this is where most even managers fail to make an event management plan that works! So, figure out your marketing scope and never miss a chance to drive more attendees.

7. Overlooking Attendee Engagement and Experience. 

Well, you followed all the check marks to get your target audiences to attend the event. Now, it´s the common thing that event planners or the organizing team prioritize the less— not focusing on attendee engagement! 

If you’re not keeping your attendees hooked from start to finish, they’ll surely lose interest. The event will feel more like a missing big chunk no matter how smart the arrangement is!

Moreover, unhappy attendees are less likely to come back or recommend their fellows to the event. So, avoid this mistake to retain attendees and develop event success. 


8. Missing The Use of Data Analytics and Insights. 

Analyzing performance and working on it accordingly is the key to recurring event management success. 

Try to run public votes, and collect feedback to hear what your attendees say about the event. Moreover, get the data analytics or insights like how many bookings got rescheduled, which shows drive the highest revenue to work on the backspace of your event! 

Here at Timetics.Ai, you can get bookings, revenue, performance, and booking reports unified in one place. Track the details, analyze the data, and work on it to bring continuous improvement. 

💭 FAQs


Why do events go wrong? 

-One of the common reasons event businesses fail because of not having an effective business plan. Without a clear roadmap, it becomes harder to manage deals, organize events, utilize resources, and track performance. 

How much does it cost to manage an event?

-Event planners roughly charge 15-20% of the overall cost to launch an event. Managing and planning and events costs. So, as an event management business, you can easily cover the entire event cost from your profit and utilize pre-booking fees for advance payments. 

How can event management software help me avoid mistakes?

-Humans are more likely to make mistakes. Besides, event management software is a dedicated tool that offers specialized solutions to avoid these mistakes. 

🔖 Read More Blogs

1. Timetics Vs Google Calendar | Read More
2. Get the Tips on Conducting Successful Parent-teacher Conferences | Read More
3. Why every business needs an Appointment Booking Solution? | Read More

🎬 Final Wrap-up

Managing events can be a huge run. But, as long as you have the desire to improve it, you are halfway through solving the problems. 

As project planners, figure out what common mistakes you face that you must avoid. Use advanced technology and smart solutions like the best appointment scheduling tools to address the errors. 

Offer a collaborative workspace where you can track team members’ performances. Get deep inside your event data, and don´t hesitate to spend hours on fixes that have the chance to drive constant improvements.